Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Novel Engineering Project #2

Second graders working in small groups to discuss the character traits of 
Old Man Fookwire, the squirrels,and the birds!

What Novel Engineering looks like
  1. Read a book and identify problems - Through discussion and attentive reading, students collect problems that characters face.
  2. Scope problems and brainstorm solutions - Students consider the needs of the story's character/client and the context/constraints imposed by the text as they brainstorm possible solutions.
  3. Design a solution - Students work in teams to plan and build a functional prototype that addresses the character's needs and constraints.
  4. Get feedback - Students test their solutions as they build and get feedback from their teacher and/or peers.
  5. Improve designs - Students use information gathered during testing and presentations to improve and revise their designs.
  6. Share - Teams can either present their final solution or reflections on their process to the class, write a story that includes their solution, or make an advertisement for their solution.

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