Saturday, March 31, 2018

What's STEM Got to Do With It?!

Mr. Bill Sloan, Bennett's grandfather, is an Environmental Risk Consultant with Commerce Bank. He shared sooo many interesting aspects of STEM in relation to his career! Wow!

He offered excellent advice, "Be curious.  Look past the obvious.  
Ask questions and demand answers.  Never fear a mistake or a failure because that’s where the answers are hiding." 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Another EXCITING STEM Career Visit!

Colonel Kirk Hunsaker, USAF
Retired Profession: USAF Aviator, Military Commander of Software Engineering Group

"I studied computer programming in college, and it helped me throughout my Air Force career. Understanding how computers work, what they are good at, and what they need from people, is key to a great STEM career!

A HUGE thank you to Colonel Kirk Hunsaker!