Lei Bornhorst, a Dietetic Intern from Fontebonne University and Brittany Gillick, from Chartwells facilitated a nutrition lesson in our class this afternoon.
To help learn about the food groups they played a toe tapping video clip,
The second grade writers enjoyed working on their How-To books while enjoying a snack with their stuffed animals this afternoon! Congratulations for reaching the top of the ROCKS Wall!
One group of students delivered a fluent and expressive perfomance of Stone Soup for the second grade classes this morning.
Another group of students performed B. W. Hawkins and the Dinosaur Models to help us learn about a scientist and sculptor working together to create dinosaur models and open a dinosaur park in England.
They also presented a slideshow about the Crystal Palace Park in England designed and opened in 1854 by B. W. Hawkins and Dr. Richard Owen!
When you're out and about this weekend, please consider picking up non-perishable food items for the Hudson Food Drive. Donations are being collected Monday and the final collection day is Wednesday. Third grade has been very busy tallying the can count each day!
Thank you for ALL the donations that have already been sent in!
The second grade students research their "I wonder" questions with their Fifth Grade Buddies on Tuesday mornings and during Genius Hour on Wednesday afternoons. We had our first presentation Thursday afternoon: Why is your left lung smaller than your right lung?